The Kindergarten Printable Club by The Teacher Bin is composed of a family team of 3 all with unique experiences with Kindergarteners!
The team consists of mother (kindergarten teacher of 30+ years), daughter (school based physical therapist and website owner), and daughter-in-law (ABA therapist and paraprofessional).
Together they have run the Kindergarten Pritnable Club by The Teacher Bin with their various backgrounds to make your life as a Kindergarten teacher easier!
Darice Cunniff
Darice has taught in Minnesota for over 35 years. The majority of her time was spent in Kindergarten but she also taught in second and third grade. She just retired from teaching this spring. Darice loved teaching! She believes in the need for developmentally appropriate programming. She feels there is a strong need for social skills and enriched language in the classroom, along with the strong rigger that goes with education. Her lesson plans reflect those beliefs and she hopes that others can enjoy them! This blog is her way of trying the help others develop routines, management, and lessons for others. Darice is excited to continue to provide mentoring and consultation to teachers. She looks forward to sharing her lesson plans with others! She is the brains behind The Kindergarten Printable Club by The Teacher Bin.
Chanda Jothen
Chanda has 7 years experience as a school based therapist working with several kindergarteners. She currently runs the website Pink Oatmeal dedicated to promoting physical activity and appropriate motor development for kids. She has her own kindergarten aged kiddos and has her input on developmentally appropriate activities for Kindergarten aged students!
Jess Cunniff
Jess has had 8 years of experience working with children with Autism, including many kindergarteners. She currently runs her own business helping teachers and bloggers market their Pinterest accounts. She is a first time kindergarten mom and volunteers in the classroom regularly.