Run, run as fast as you can to get the Gingerbread Man Workshop! My Workshop is ready to go with activities, games, and art projects. Workshop is a great way to combine math centers, literacy centers, writer’s workshop, and more all in an effective and efficient manner. Check out this fun way to set up Gingerbread Man workshop in your classroom!
Gingerbread Man Workshop
I do workshop every day and have been doing so for my 36 years of teaching.
I love workshop because all the kiddos work at their own pace and always moving forward from job to the next job. The only exception is, before the kiddos can move to the next job I have to see the current job they finished. In other words my eyes see all the kiddos work. I can make corrections, watch letter and number formations, neatness, and accuracy.
Every week or two I have a different theme to my workshop. This week is Gingerbread Man Workshop! I’m going to share with you how fast and easy it is to set up Gingerbread Man Workshop. I use Workshop in place of math centers and literacy centers as I find it more effective and efficient. Need to get your workshop set up? Check out how I set up my workshop, why I use workshop, rules for workshop, and get your FREE workshop set-up!
Gingerbread Man Workshop Job 1
Job 1-Ginger Cookie BUMP
Ginger Cookie BUMP is a partner game. I like to start job 1 in Workshop with either a partner game or a small group game. Partner games or small group games teach children to work together, follow rules of the game, share, and play fairly. Often times when I introduce a new game in Job 1, the kiddos play it three times with a partner. The partner the person sitting next to you, across the table, and kitty corner from each other. Playing this many times makes me feel comfortable they understand and know the game.
You can find Job 1-Ginger Cookie BUMP in Gingerbread Man Workshop
Gingerbread Man Workshop Job 2
Job 2- Gingerbread Graph Skills -Color – Count – Tally -Graph
The Gingerbread Graph is a 4 page math packet. The packet is stapled together, but I only have the kiddos do one page a day. It will be put back in Workshop.The kiddos may find it in another job spot the next workshop time. Job 2 is the separating job in Workshop. It helps “crowding” in all the remaining jobs in Workshop.
You can find Job 2-Gingerbread Graph Skills in Gingerbread Man Workshop
Gingerbread Man Workshop Job 3
Job 3-Sequence the Gingerbread Man Story
Sequencing the Gingerbread Man is an understanding Beginning-Middle- Ending of a story.
I like sequencing a story with pictures and gluing them in order it is an important skill set.
- The kiddos are able to use words and tell a story back to you with pictures.
- They demonstrate they know the story.
- Before writing a story the kids must be able to comprehend Beginning-Middle-Ending
You can find Job 3 Sequence the Gingerbread Man Story in Gingerbread Man Workshop
Gingerbread Man Workshop Job 4
Job 4-Gingerbread Rhyming Game
There are 9 boards with pictures and rhyming cards with pictures to match the board. Rhyming games are important because the kiddos must really enunciate the ending sound. Words can sound alike so exaggerating the ending sound is important.
You can find Job 4 Gingerbread Rhyming Game in Gingerbread Man Workshop
Gingerbread Man Workshop Job 5
Job 5 Gingerbread Man – 10 Frame and Dough Game
The ten frames are on whole sheets (2 game boards on a sheet), but I copy them back to back and cut them in half. Make sure you laminate the boards or you will be replacing them soon. The numbers they are concentrating on in this game are teen numbers.
The kids love this job. They like filling the ten frame with play dough. I don’t let them just squish pieces of dough in the frames. They have to roll dough balls. It’s great for fine motor skills too. They must do both sides to complete the job.
You can find Job 5 Gingerbread Man -10 Frame and Play Dough Game in Gingerbread Man Workshop
Workshop Job 6
Job 6 Gingerbread Man Art Project
The Gingerbread man is a cute project. I think art projects are so important they teach important skills.
- fine motor skills
- creativity
- self-confidence,
- problem solving
- spacial relationship
- listening to directions!
At the beginning of the year art projects are step by step instruction, but as the year goes on I find the kiddos understand different skills better and can work more independently.
This is not a workshop job that is finished in one day, it will go into another workshop day.
You can find Job 6 Gingerbread Man Art project in Gingerbread Man Workshop
Love this ideas of Gingerbread Workshop? You can get everything you need for the workshop and more to run Gingerbread Man Workshop in the Gingerbread Man Workshop. There are 23 GINGERBREAD ACTIVITIES in this packet that you can choose from for your workshop, math center, or literacy center!
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