Alphabet cards are so much fun and kindergarten teachers and parents of young kids can never have enough! Kids love to see the alphabet and it’s fun for them to see them for all seasons and activities. Frogs are a huge hit with kids- there is a lot to learn between their life cycle, their habitat and hey- they are just plain fun!
Kindergarten Frog Themed Alphabet Recognition Game
How to Play
First, you will want to print, laminate and cut all cards so they are durable. The set includes 26 uppercase, 26 lowercase and 18 “fly” cards.
Divide groups into 3-4 players.
Lay all cards face down on the table and choose a captain of the table.
The captain will pick a card. If he recognizes the letter, he can keep it and draw again.
The kiddo’s turn ends when he/she either does NOT recognize the letter or he/she draws a “Fly” card. If a kiddo draws the “Fly” card, the kiddo keeps the card and the play rotates to the next player.
A placemat or large plate for each kiddo will help them keep their matches in their own space.
Kindergarten Frog Themed Alphabet Match Game
How to Play
Another fun game to play with these cute frog themed cards is an alphabet match game!
This game is great for 3-4 players.
To play this game, place all the LOWERCASE cards face down on the table. Distribute the UPPERCASE cards to the players and place FACE UP on a plate or place mat.
The first player draws a card from the table. If they have a match they set it aside or place it under their plate or place mat and take another turn. If someone else has that match, they win the match and set it aside or under their plate or place mat. Then the person with the match continues their turn.
The first player to get rid of all their cards on their plate is the winner.
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