Visual discrimination is an important skill that is crucial for early development of reading and math skills in children. These skills come to mind when I think of the letters b, d, p, q, g. How do kids learn to distinguish these, after all they look so similar! This is why it is important to lay a solid visual discrimination foundation early! Kindergarten visual discrimination games are a great way to work on this skill!
Kindergarten Visual Discrimination Game – Purse Themed
Fun games are are a great way to introduce and work on visual discrimination skills in the classroom! This game is Purse themed, which is different and fun for kiddos. My kindergarten son thought it was fun to match the lipstick, nail polish, tissues, mirror and especially the money! There is something about money and kindergartners.
How To Play
Print and laminate visual discrimination cards and boards.
Have your kindergartners work on matching the cards correctly on the game board.
Students will enjoy matching the items in the correct order. If your kiddos are having trouble seeing which ones are covered, copy the purse item cards on colored cardstock, then they will see where they have already matched and where they still need to match.
Your kindergartners will have fun learning with this unique themed game!
Get the Kindergarten Visual Discrimination Purse Game for FREE
This freebie product includes 5 visual discrimination purse item boards and 1 set of visual discrimination purse item cards.
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