Are you looking for some great ideas for the month of November? I have some ideas you and your kiddos will love to do. There’a small break in time before the hustle and bustle of the holidays. It’s the month for being thankful. November is one of my favorite. In Minnesota it’s the cool brisk air, no bugs, the colors of browns, oranges, dark reds and golds, and all the cozy smells of pumpkin and apple. It inspires the fun activities in this unit.
I read many books to my kiddos about the Thanksgiving, but I certainly have some favorites. Some of my favorites are …… .The Story of the Pilgrims by Katharine Ross and Pete the Cat- The First Thanksgiving by Kimberly and James DeanRead your favorite books about the First Thanksgiving and then draw and follow the story line in the student created book.
Another thing that I like to do for kindergarten reading and writing around Thanksgiving is have the students create a book that is adapted from the poem Five Fat Turkeys. I have a copy of the poem and my students have their own copy to read and then brainstorm ideas of how to change the story and write create a new story. The kiddos come up with so many creative ideas!
Another fun literacy game
A rhyming game I like to do with the class…. Pumpkin – Acorn Rhyming Game. There are 36 Pumpkin Rhyming Cards and 36 Acorn Rhyming Cards. I also have a page(9)Turkey Top Cards to copy on the top side of all the cards. It provides security so the kiddos cannot see through the cards while playing the game. The kiddos place all cards which are acorn face down on the table and then distribute the pumpkin cards to the players.(I make sure each kiddos has a place mat as a personal play space) The pumpkin cards are face side up.The captain of the table draws first. An acorn card from the table. If the captain has a rhyming card match, they set it aside or put it under their place mat and take another turn.If someone else has the match it becomes their turn to draw. Play continues as above. The first player to get rid of all cards on their plate is the first winner. The kiddos watch until everyone is finished. There is a 1st winner, 2nd winner, 3rd winner and 4th winner.
There are many fun math activities your kiddos will enjoy.
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